July 13, 2010

Ventura County Fair is coming up!

135th Annual Ventura County Fair! 

Dates: Wednesday, August 4th through Sunday, August 15th
Time: M - F: 11:00a - 11:00p* and Sat. - Sun.: 10:00a - 11:00p**
Location: 10 W. Habor Blvd., Ventura, 93001 (corner of Harbor + Figueroa)***
General Admission Prices
Adults 13 & older $10.00
Children 6-12 $7.00
Seniors 62 and older $7.00
Children 5 & under and Super Seniors (100 years and over) admitted Free!
Ride Ticket Prices
Sheets of 50 tickets are $20
Single tickets are 75 cents
Rides take between 4-7 tickets
Parking Prices: Parking at the Ventura County Fair is $10.00 per car. Parking at the Fairgrounds is limited. Free shuttle buses are provided. Please refer to the Transportation page for more information on all shuttle, train, and buses services.

*The Fair will open at 11:00 a.m. daily except Saturdays, Sundays, And Seniors & Persons with Disabilities Day (Tuesday, August 10) when it will open at 10:00 a.m.

**Admissions until 10 p.m. Fair closes at 11 p.m. carnival will stay open no later than midnight if there is traffic, but can also close up as early as 11 p.m.

*** For Directions - CLICK HERE

There are Special Deals assigned to certain days CLICK HERE to see those deals! 
(For example: Dollar Days ...sponsored by Pepsi Wed., Aug. 4 and Wed., Aug. 11: Entry to the Fair is $1 'til 3PM) Also, a cool deal I found: Reading is Fun-damental!
Teachers, Parents and Children from Kindergarten through 8th grade, ask about our READ and RIDE program! Read 2 books, and receive 3 carnival ride passes! Find out how it works! Call 805-648-3376.

I'm sure most of you who have lived here in Southern California either have been to the Ventura County Fair or at least know about it! It is an amazing time for the whole family! If you want something fun to do, make a tradition with your family or can't remember the last time you went to a County Fair .... then I suggest going to The Ventura County Fair! 
And for all you Moms & Dads and really all adults... the list of entertainment isn't bad either. CLICK HERE for the line up! 
(Some to name a few: Wilson Phillips & Caitlin Crosby; Styx; Sublime; Miranda Lambert, etc...)

Maybe I'll see you there!

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